wed 14-sep-05
Been stuck in Verizon Hell for the last few days. Sept 1 - I ordered DSL. Baby DSL. The cheapest DSL. I have been "on line" since before the World Wide Web as Carlton calls it. I used to have a TelNet account and used CompuServe later and then in 1995 signed up with IBM as my very first ISP. IBM sold me to ATT Global (which is sort of World Net's big brother). But, I decided, after 10 years, it is time to get with broadband. And for $180 per year - what's not to love?
Well, plenty is not to love. Verizon managed to kill my phone service on Monday. They managed to get the DSL part working late yesterday and today I happened to see a Verizon repair man in our building and he was able to get the phone part going. My Verizon repair man was supposed to come on Friday. But this nice man called up Verizon and got permission to fix my phone early. Since he was already in the building. Fixing some other person's phone.
But now, we have voice and DSL. And my dislike for Verizon has been reinforced.