wed 8-feb-06


Today I am a Lady. For the first time since Girl Scouts - I went to a "female club" meeting. It was not my idea. But going was "the right thing". So, I went went. I drank the tea. I behaved. I did wear my way too tight nasty little skirt.

Good news tonight - eating a low fat diet does not prevent cancer or heart attacks in us old broads. I never really believed it did. You not going to live longer if you don't do chocolate and butter. It is just going to seem longer!

Bad news tonight - those crazed muslims are still upset about the Danish cartoons. OK boys and girls. I think it is time for all of us liberal types to accept the fact that some folk are just "not our sort of people". We can not live peacefully and tolerantly with them - because THEY are neither peaceful nor tolerant. We must not allow them or their religion to exist is our countries. Note to George Bush and fellow proponents of "liberty and democracy" - the muslim idea of liberty isn't the same as mine! Another note to Bush - the war in Iraq ain 't ever going to be won. Not when our enemy is willing to kill over a cartoon. I guess I am proposing some sort of Great Wall of China defense against the muslim hoards. But, enlightened acceptance sure isn't working.

The Menu: Lunch - Carlton had lunch at Palace. Dinner - went to have pizza with a friend of Carlton's. Bring on the extra cheese!

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