


Going to New York tomorrow on the train. The slow train. Not the snazzy new Acela Train. But, that will allow for more time to visit and rest and look out the windows.

I haven't packed yet. But, what's to pack? A couple of undies, some sox, maybe a nightgown so I don't gross out the family. "What you get social security and STILL don't wear proper night clothes??? The horror." Tooth paste etc. The most important thing to pack is credit cards.

Not going to take the computer. Or the iPod. Will take the camera and the tiny MP3 Player with a couple of library books. That way I'll have something to do when insomnia attacks. Also, just because, I'll be sure my purse dwelling flashlight has a new battery.

Hawaii - Kona to be exact - the Kona SeaSide Hotel - seems to be back in play. Just when we were ready spring for an apartment. An apartment with washer/dryer/stove/real fridge. Living room. Table. Chairs. But, the hotel called and made Carlton an offer that he couldn't refuse. So, it looks like it will be the hotel. With a view. And lots of theater.