sun 14-jan-07
yellow tangs - 14.jan.07
This has been a bad week to be an citizen of the US. Can you believe that we elected that man twice? The last millennium started off with the Crusades. As I recall - that didn't work out too great. The infidels are still pissed about that exercise in white guys know best.
It isn't going to get better boys and girls. Not in the lifetime of anyone alive today. And, it is Bush's fault and the fault of all the spineless Democratic Senators and Congressmen who voted with the President. But, being able to say "I told you this would happen" - doesn't make it any better.
We are conducting a "war", which we have been told is essential to ensure continuation of life on the planet, with our Army of "volunteer" hired guns. Why don't we just out source our military to China.
If this is a war. Congress should declare war. We should have a draft. A draft of all our boys and girls. No exemptions. And, we should all be sent a tax bill to pay for this travesty.