
tue 3-apr-07

spring quest

About this pet food mess. Now, I don't have a pet. Don't need a pet. I have Carlton. BUT...

But, when I was in my twenties - a great fear was getting old (I did that) and ending up living in a trailer, wearing hair rollers, a flowered house coat, a baggy gray sweater, run down bedroom slippers and sharing a simple supper of cat food with a cat. There were articles about people eating pet food. Heck, there might even have been underground recipes using cat food. There used to be rumors about cat food at cocktail parties involving Ritz crackers. So, how did "bad" wheat gluten get into pet food?

I care about this - not only do I like other people's pets - but wheat gluten is a major ingredient in most veggie "meat" products. And, we eat lots of veggie burgers. And veggie sausages. And veggie "meat" balls.

Back to the old lady nightmare from the 20 something years.

  1. I did get old - old sucks but, for now, beats the alternatives.
  2. The trailer is a fine rented condo.
  3. The hair could most likely use some rollers and/or a good cut!
  4. The flowered house dress is an old aloha shirt.
  5. With baggy shorts.
  6. And no shoes at all.
  7. And, I'll be sharing a simple dinner of veggie burgers with Carlton.

BushBoy seemed pretty crabby in the rose garden this morning. Didn't we used to have a song about not being promised a rose garden?