
thu 26-apr-07

Love from the 15th floor.

About a week ago, every morning a canada goose arrived on the Hillary 4 Prez office building roof and wandered around honking. This morning he arrived right on schedule with his girl friend.

We had a nice weekend. On Saturday afternoon I was on the balcony cutting Carlton's hair. Fortunately, I looked over the edge before tossing the clippings over board. The kid who lives downstairs was putting lights on his railing, sprinkling rose petals, setting out candles, roses and chilling champaign. He was going to ask his girl friend to marry him. Hope she said yes.

Ah love.

Today - my computer decided to give itsself a little "checkup". This would be some piece of HP Crapware that I haven't tracked down and killed yet. It reported that something was wrong with the web cam. Darn right. I don't even have a web cam.