
sun 29-apr-07

Now I know why the 64bit Operating System is so secure. I can not get software to install - so how can evilware get installed? Spent all day - well not all day - but on and off trying to get a any sort of PDF Creator or PDF Printer funtion to install correctly. Guess what? The last one I tried worked. BullZip PDF Printer Driver. None of the better known freebies worked. The really expensive Adobe Acrobat 8.0 doesn't work. My Adobe Acrobat 5.0 doesn't even install. Some folks report getting doPDF to work. But, I couldn't.

On the plus side. Love having a DVD Burner. Even like the "LightScribe" feature. But, will just use it for "special" things.

This weekend Carlton and I (with the help of PBS) revisited Watergate. It is now (and was then) apparent that Tricky Dicky was in charge of all that evil. I absolutely hated that man. Not very fond of him to this day.

As compared to BushBoy. 30 odd years from now - and sooner I hope - cause I'll not be here in 30 years to see how it comes out - I wonder if we will know who is really in charge of the current White House evil. Don't think it is 100% BushBoy. He is too dumb. Maybe it is Barney the Dog. Or any or all of the good ole boys - Rummy, Wolfie, Rover, Pearly, Old DeadEye, you know - the usual suspects. Carlton is betting on DeadEye Dick.

Speaking of Wolfowicz - this might be his big week. Say goodbye Wolfie.

And NOTE TO GONZOLES - Cinco de Mayo. It is a good day to resign.