
thu 31-may-07

Blue penstemon - 30.may.07

Ok, I give up Gonzales isn't going anywhere. We are stuck with him. I just hope he can remember where his office is. And what his name is. Until 1/20/09 when he can go back to Texas and continue being BushBoy's pet lawyer. Along with Harriet Myers. Remember her?

I'll have to find another dead horse to beat.

Did I mention that I have been playing with Adobe Lightroom. Got 20 more trial days. I am trying to like it. But, not succeeding too well. So far it hasn't shown me anything to change my plan to keep this computer free of any purchased (or pirated) software. Except for my 12 buck tax program and Dreamweaver. That does this web page.

By my way of thinking - if I don't spend more money for software - it will be easier to Get a Mac next time. Shit, if this computer lasts 5 years - next time I'll be crashing in on 70 - I will not have enough brain cells left to do what I just did with Vista x64 then.