
wed 6-feb-08

Since last blogging - we had a super Superbowl. And, it was the game that was good. The game was better than the commercials. What a surprise.

And we had Super Tuesday. How the Messieurs Romney and Guiliani get things so messed up? Mr Huckabee who doesn't believe in evolution or gravity is still in the running for something and Guiliani is gone while Romney is becoming a joke.

McCain to too old to be a boomer. The boomers have been in charge for the last 15 years. Hillary is a boomer. It is time to pass the reins to the young guns. That is why Obama is my guy. We got things this messed up - now you fix it, kido.

Having another attack of techno lust. Remembering how much I dislike my HP Vista Whore Computer. I am actually happier with this little antique XP machine. Its battery has gone. Question is - do I replace the battery or replace the computer? The new MacAir is a design marvel. But, I think it is a tad impractical. And, I like a smaller computer. One that will fit in my purse.