arlington, va

tue, 10-jun-08

Too Hot for pictures, even old ones.

We are having a heat wave. It has been going on full blast furnace since Saturday. I feel very sorry our Russian Lifeguard Slave. I know we won the Cold War - but I feel very sorry for our pretty little lifeguard. She has worked 10 hours a day EVERY day since Memorial Day week end. She says that she will get this Friday off. When I go up to the pool, I take her a zip lock bag of ice - but it doesn't seem like enough.

Have I complained about the Spitzer Machine in a while? About a week ago Vista and my AV Software (Kaspersky - sort of like hiring the fox to guard the hen house) decided that they were incompatible. Started getting blue screens every 15 minutes. I was about the toss the Spitzer off the balcony. But, I was afraid that it might hit a Hillary campaign worker - and they have enough problems.

So, I spent 4 hours downloading patches and updates and tweaking etc. The machine seems to be stable - as long as I don't do a full system scan.

Also last week at the volunteer job - a real hard spreadsheet was requested. Requiring DAVERAGE and nested IF and ... well, let us just say that I didn't need to work any crosswords to stave off dementia last week.