arlington, va

thu 11-sep-08

Guess he was outraged because he didn`t get in on the party .

Greatnews. My new passport arrived today. Badnews. The passport office seems to have lost Carton`s application. We mailed them at the same time.

More on what I call a linear accelerator, more properly called the Large Hadron Collider. As you might have figured out, one of the first things this fine new techno toy is going to do is to hunt for the Higgs boson or "God Particle" - take that Sarah Palin - whose existence was first postulated by Peter Higgs in 1964. By the way, Dr Higgs is alive and well and about 79 years old. The popular press has been filled with dire warnings of black holes being created by the LHC and slowly sucking Switzerland, then Europe, then the entire world into nothingness. Stephen Hawking says it will not happen. That they will be little micro black holes and they will "evaporate".

Now, let us consider: First, Stephen Hawking has a $100 bet against the existence of the Higgs boson. Second, Dr Hawking has been living on borrowed time for eons. I bet that Dr Hawking would find being slowly sucked into a black hole a darn interesting way to go. And, so would I.