
sat 4-apr-09

From Kona

Been home less than a month. Did 2 sets of taxes, got refunds, suffered major technology meltdown, had some fine family time, started back at volunteer job. I need a vacation.

Read in the paper today that Bristol Palin isn't going to marry the baby daddy after all. Apparently this happened in February. But, that news failed to make it to Kona.

Our President is in Europe. Like most Americans, most of the world leaders seem to be glad that we have a President who speaks in complete sentences once again. Never mind his basketball brackets.

And Mrs Obama. She has made it OK to be seen in public with ARMS. Too bad for me me that she shows up with arms when mine really need sleeves. Like now that I have lost 20 pounds, I could wear a bikini again. But, there is still the 65 year old midsection that really looks better wrapped in spandex.