No Tickets, yet…

This is what he looks like now. It has been 16 days since his last encounter with the death star.
It has been 16 days since his last encounter with the death star.

It isn’t pretty, is it? He will not be lounging in the sun sans shirt this winter. Or any other winter. You might notice that his bike is in the background. He went for a ride today. He wasn’t able to ride for a month while his hand was bandaged. (Not to mention the single digit weather.)

And that cup in the lower right. That is not a republican tea cup. It is a League of Women Voters mug. There is a donkey on the other side.

Haven’t gotten tickets to Kona yet. Mr C is sort of fussy. And he is not as perky as usual. I want to get him to Kona as easily as possible. But, without spending so much money as to send him into shock.

Only a man would ask “How can you tell you don’t fit in your wetsuit if you don’t try it on?” Oh, I know that hummer will not fit my expanded butt. And, I refuse to be humiliated by 3mm of neoprene. This year, I’ll have to let my blubber keep me warm!


One Reply to “No Tickets, yet…”

  1. Carlton you are one great trooper. You have endured where others would have feared to travel. Peg you and “C” have a safe journey and enjoy the warm sunny days in Hawaii. The Best to both. Zee

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