Coming storm - yesterday
Coming storm – yesterday

We had a summer storm yesterday evening – enjoyed watching it come around from the north and west.

And what is wrong with me – why do I think I want to go to Israel to check out the coming war? Isn’t there enough unpleasantness in my life without getting bombed? With artillery not adult beverages.  Do I just want to hear air raid sirens? Ah, to be old and have a loose screw or two!

I have once again been lulled into believing that Mr C is “fine”. So, when reality makes its next appearance – I will – once again be plunged into wretchedness. But, just for today, I too am “fine”.

Speaking of fine – I got some peaches yesterday – so today we had chicken and peaches for lunch – and

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Tonight – a little tuna salad and a lot of tomato on wheat. Got the first real tomatoes of the season at the Wednesday afternoon market.


One Reply to “FRIDAY!”

  1. Hi Peg,
    so much comments I forgot to post 🙁

    Your latest pics with the new camera are wonderfull. The bees, fireworks (it will be tomorrow, 13th, for us !), waterlily ! the decorated mask 🙂

    Yes, The Tour has started. But to be honest I’m not a cyclism fan.

    Three years ago, when we were visiting Washington, we saw a nice market near the White House. We bought peaches too !

    Asylum: my wife’s parent moved in an asylum in the center of Nimes. An appartment in fact, located a few blocks away of the true asylum, with doctors near and one lunch everyday. Their mind is now better than when they where lost in the middle of nowhere. The 90 years old guy takes the bus every week to go the market. If you can, take one in the center of the city for sure.

    The Fitbit: I’m waiting to receive a Fitbit scale. Maybe the begining of the Fitbit tyranny…

    Have a nice week-end !

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