I went out this morning with the 14-150 old Pana-Leica lens. Trying to improve my focus and to become more automatic as the shooter.
When I got home I was surprised to discover the lagniappe dragonfly. I shot the water lily, intending to crop it out from the middle of the pond. And surprise… when I got the image into the computer – a dragonfly appeared. What ever happens is what I planned.
Had red beans and rice with turkey legs (and peaches) for lunch. This evening – we will
Enjoy Every Sandwich: A repeat from Friday. A little tuna salad and a lot of tomato on whole wheat.
Next week will be busy at the volunteer job. And, I told Mr C that I would “do lunch” for or with some friends of his from his first marriage. I don’t really know the people. But, I figure I have to be there to defend myself and daughter. I figure the people will be curious to see how badly things turned out for Mr C – so I am betting they will come to our apartment for lunch. They will not approve of my furniture. Collected from urban recycling, thrift shops, The Container Store and Mr C’s damn desk. If I move to the asylum alone – the desk will not be going. I told Mr C that. I told him that I would take his sword, and his steam engine and his chrome plated bolt – but not the damn desk.