I think this is Chlorophyllum molybdites – it will not kill you – but, it will make you wish you were dead. I do all – 100% – of my mushroom hunting at the supermarket. I don’t even trust the mushroom lady at the farm market.
Everything is pretty gentle right now. Carlton is still “fine”. Nice weather is on the horizon. I didn’t have to go to an “event” at the old folks asylum.
Indeedy – I let the idea of moving to France and into an asylum there float thru my head. I am sure the food would be better. And, I bet you wouldn’t have to eat lunch at 11:30 and dinner at 5:00pm. You know, the idea of eating dinner at 5:00 or 6:00 is one of the worse things about the old folks asylum. We eat breakfast whenever we want it, lunch between 1PM and 2:30. Dinner sometime between 7:30 and 8:30. I don’t see me being in the least bit flexible about when I eat. Guess I have to be sure the dining room has “takeout”.