Cool Cloudy Day …

On the 41 bus
On the 41 bus. 
Not very friendly. Not at the old ladies asylum.

I made a stealth visit to one of the potential old ladies asylums this morning. I wanted to see it without a sales person being sure I didn’t see anything unpleasant. Wasn’t sure I could just wander around.

But, as luck would have it – today has been cloudy and cool. As a result the gardening committee was out in force. They were more than happy to talk to me. Especially since I volunteered to help with the weeding. One of the ladies took me inside to look at her apartment. I had only been in the more expensive models. She had lived in her apartment for over 10 years. It is one of the older/cheaper balcony free ones. A perfectly fine apartment. No view. No balcony. But never the less, fine.

The lady who showed me her apartment said that she was on hospice care – but that for now all that meant was they brought dinner to her and if she didn’t show up at the nursing unit by 9:30 every morning – someone would come check on her. BTW – her apartment was much more guest ready than mine is…

I tramped around the neighborhood. Your basic stripmalled America. It is just barely OK for those of us who are car-free. The tramping around took care of my FitBit for today. I got on the 41 bus and came back home. Mr C was waiting for his lunch…

So Enjoy Every Sandwich: I made Cheeseburgers.


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