Thinking today

Nature Conservancy Weed Lot.
Nature Conservancy Weed Lot.

Whilst doing my housework and cooking this morning – rather than listen to old time rock and roll – I thought. Thought about the old folks asylum.

The two “preferred” asylums have waiting lists. You have to pay to be on the waiting lists. Maybe 4 years down the road – there will be a streetcar stop out front of one of the asylums. (Note to self: Never make decisions on as yet unbuilt government works projects.) Our lease here runs thru April 2016. You have to pass a physical exam before they let you move into the asylum. The asylums cost big bucks. These are the “facts”.

Now, my plans

Plan A: Scrap the whole asylum idea and just wing it.

Plan B: Sign up for a nice as possible two bedroom unit assuming that Mr C will still be alive and able to pass the physical when a unit shows up. If no unit shows up in the next 16 months – well – that could be a problem.

Plan C: Also sign up for a tiny cheap studio for me. If Carlton is not able to pass the physical to get in – or if he is dead when the lease is up – I snag any studio that comes up. I can use it like a hotel room/insurance policy for me.

Plan D: If I end up in a studio – I can get on a list to upgrade myself to a nicer unit suitable for one person.

These asylums are called “Continuing Care Retirement Communities”. Once they take you in; they have to keep you. And take care of you, no matter what. That is the “insurance” component. And, it is what we/I need.

Enjoy Every Tuna Melt Sandwich.

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