There used to be a bank and a dance studio across the street. Now all that is left is the bank vault. Who knew that banks really had vaults.

New photo project, flying insects. You have been warned. There will be more.

After I finished the bee project, I noticed people eating ice cream in the next block. I wander over, hoping to snag some photos. I snagged a BIG bowl of lemon sorbet instead. I am not sure why there was free ice cream behind this office building. And, yes, I ate the whole bowl. Enjoyed every bite. Every calorie.
Death watch for Mr C is on hold for the indefinite future. But, that doesn’t mean we have stopped –
Enjoying Every Sandwich: Grilled cheese and tomato is on tap for this evening.
SQL coding project is on track. It is better than working Suduko puzzles. Nevertheless, I left the stove on after lunch today. Mr C has been eying me suspiciously. I didn’t tell him that I left the stove on when I was in my 30s.