OK, I admit – this morning was a little grim. Everyday, I have been playing out a little “on this day last week we…” scenario. This morning was the last time we drank coffee, the last time we went to the bus stop, and then when the bus came – the only seat left was the one he sat in last Friday morning.
When I got to my office – our system was FUBAR. Some, I spent a couple of hours on the phone with my tech support guy, who was on the phone with his tech support guy… So, I couldn’t mope around.
While walking home from work, I decided that my period of hyper-activity mourning was over. I didn’t even try to cross anything off The List. I made lunch. I read a book. (The Janet Evanovich book that Carlton had on reserve at the library.) I realized that if the recycling is going to get taken out, I am going to have to do it. Did that. I made inquiries about an attorney. I took a nap. No frantic activity in Carlton’s desk or closets. Just a new normal afternoon.
I liked the old normal better.