Halloween Day 11 of 31

Mr C on Oct 1, 2014 – riding his bike, wearing “the” sweatshirt.

It was/is chilly and rainy today. But not so rainy as I should miss the county’s twice yearly recycle event. I rolled Carlton’s bike plus a bag full of accouterments down to be recycled. The bike will be leaving for a new life in Costa Rico next week.

I discovered some people collecting clothes to go to Honduras. Carlton sort of had a 3rd world wardrobe as we all know. So, I came back home and gathered up all of his sweatshirts and jackets that I washed last week. And I took them down to be recycled as well. Also, the Lions were collecting eyeglasses. Guess who had a shoebox full of glasses. Some prescription, some just readers? Off they went too.



By the time I got back home the second time – my FitBit was happy and I was tired. So, I had Trader Joe’s Mac-N-Cheese followed by a nap.

Note to Carlton: Well, I hope my actions during my first week as your widow met with your approval. I did buy a DustBuster and you think they are a waste of money. But, you do want me to remove cookie crumbs from the rug don’t you?

And, I am going to lawyer-up to handle the paper work. I know you never spent a cent on lawyers. You handled your Dad’s estate yourself. But, I am not you.

I went to two AA meetings and drank two beers last week. I am not sure if these are related. And, I enjoyed the flowers that you sent me. Yes you. You, who never once in 35 years gave me as much as a dandelion. I understood and bought my own flowers. And thank you for never complaining about the money I spent of flowers over the years. You never bought into:

“If, of thy worldly goods, thou art bereft,
And from thy stores but two loaves
alone to thee are left,
Sell one & with the dole,
Buy hyacinths to feed the soul”
– Muslihuddin Sadi,
13th Century Persian Poet

On Thursday your broker sent flowers.

Flowers from Ed
Flowers from Ed

So, I figure these lovely flowers are from you, Carlton. Since they came from your broker. I put them down in the lobby after I enjoying them for a day or two.

It is much too quite around here – so – I am going to put some sports on the TV and pretend to you watching in the other room.


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