Time to unleash a Halloween theme. Mr C liked Halloween. He liked the candy.
Today was better than yesterday. I tried to have a “new normal” day. A day without heaps of frantic activity. I actually read a few chapters in a book – reading has been hard. And took a nap. Also, cooked up some tortelline in the little crock pot. It smells good. Hope it is good. I can eat. I just can not cook. As in chopping, slicing, dicing, stirfrying that I used to do almost every day. But, I seem to be able to toss stuff in the crock pot. The crock pot might save me from a life of Lean Cuisine.
Note to Carlton: Three weeks of this widow shit now. I sent cards to some of your friends. You had a lot of them. And you don’t seem to have any thing like an address book. SO, don’t be mad at me if I miss someone. Which I am sure I will do. Heck, lots of your friends don’t even have last names!