I am entirely too contented. A little warm air, a little sun on my porch, a cup of coffee, my iPod … life is good.
So, maybe the world is going to end in Dec 2012. I doubt it. It will be damned interesting if it does. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. But, that bozo in Colorado – Richard Heene – father of Balloon Boy – seems that he believes that the world is going to end in 2012 – so he needs to make a lot of money real fast. Earth to Richard… if you really believe – you will max out your credit cards and live large until Dec 21, 2012. Then, poof.
While I am at it – Why exactly should us old people be getting $250? Aren’t we the same selfish people of have been saying “keep your mitts off my medicare – we got ours and we ain’t going to share”?
And, I noticed that Obama’s staff scolded the Wall Street types for taking HUGE bonuses. I could stand all manner if verbal abuse for the kind of money they got. More than $250, I am guessing. Along with good health care.
Now, for something fun. Photoshop Disasters Check them out.