I devoted this morning to finishing with Carlton’s clothes, books, trinkets etc. I took one load of clothes – actually his Santa suit, clerical garb, plaid sports coat – really his costume collection – down to Goodwill. There is one more load of clothes to go. And, I’ll get his books over to the Friends of Arlington Library next week. My stash of medical supplies are packed and ready to go to Africa. His AA books are waiting on a pickup. I am going to have to get someone to come in and get rid of most of my furniture when it is the to move to the asylum. I’ll dispose of the tools and other heavy stuff then. I put all the heavy stuff in the now empty closets. As far as I am concerned all that stuff is “gone”. It just hasn’t left yet.
The only Carlton stuff that I still have to deal with is in his file cabinet. I don’t want to move the file cabinet. I want to stash all of his still required papers in one bankers box. Or in Evernote. Let the scanning begin.
It seems a little uncaring to get rid of all the Carlton stuff. But, He would not want me to spend money moving his stuff around. And, if he labeled a box “C2 Junk” who I am I to say “Oh no, this isn’t junk”.
I almost made a mistake. The only book that Carlton and I both like that lived in his book collection is The Collected Poems of Robert Service. I put it in the donation bag along will all the rest of his books. One of the last times we moved I got rid of all of our Edward Abbey books and replaced them with Kindle versions. I planned to do the same with Robert Service. Who knew that Robert Service is not available on Kindle. So, I rescued it from the donation pile.