Ok parent – explain this on to your kid. I made a small visit to the zoo today.
And a longer visit to the National Cathedral – where the St Paul’s Cathedral Choir (Boys and Men) did a concert.
Between these two activities, I ate a burrito the size of a baby hippo. “Sour Cream with that mam?” “Guacamole too?” “Of course!”.
The concert was good. Excellent use was made of the cathedral organ. But, my seat was way in the back and the acoustics get pretty funky in the far back. The usual suspects were in attendance: Europeans of all ages, elderly rich white people most with canes, and every gay man over 35.
All in all a good Sunday. Lesson here. Plan and pay for a Sunday activity in advance of Sunday.
Hi Peg,
Your 4/24 and 4/26 blogs indicate that you are looking for new directions in your life without Carlton. When Carlton and I were at Virginia Tech many years ago, we learned the Tech motto, Ut Prosim, which means “that I may serve.” I believe that one of the keys to happiness and fulfillment in life is found in service to others. Immerse yourself in service to those who need help. As you know, there are service organizations and churches which strive to help those less fortunate, and they would love to have you volunteer to help with their efforts. Maybe you will be ready for something like that after you get moved to the asylum. Just my thoughts. All the best to you.
Ed Hollandsworth
Hi Ed,
Always good to hear from you. I agree about the value of volunteering. For the last 10 years I have volunteered at our local hospital. During the last 2 years of Carlton’s life I was there for about 20 hours a week. That most likely saved my sanity. I continue to go to the hospital every weekday morning. I don’t do anything particularly nobel. I am sort of the IT go to person for the hospital’s Employee Health nurses. I tell people it is my job to make the computers “nurse proof”.
So, volunteer is an ongoing part of my life plan. I still trying to figure out “what now?”