Taking sunrise pictures from inside with a macro lens isn’t recommended. But, how often do you get to see “the crack of dawn”.
Spent all day – from 0700 to 1530. That is a whole entire real job type day! Spent all day digging out the data. But, we got it cracked this afternoon. The boss and I. Both of us will have a better weekend as a result.
Long ago – I was sent to rescue a project that was teetering on the brink of default. And, when you were a government contractor “default” was not a term you wanted on your corporate resume. The contract of in trouble because the client didn’t want our company. He liked the previous contractor. But we were the low bidder. To make matters worse, our company project manager missed a key point. Our client’s pay increases depended on the statistics that we generated. Our project manager may have been doing things “right” by generating the statistics which showed a distressing lack of progress against alcoholism on indian reservations. But, he darn sure wasn’t doing the right thing as far as the client was concerned. Needless to say, the client was looking for any excuse to kick our corporate ass out the door. I never forgot that client. We didn’t end up in default. But, we didn’t get our options exercised either. This 35 year old nightmare rattled around my brain all week. “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.” ― Mark Twain.
Note to Carlton: You got a Medicare billing notice for a biopsy you must have had last June. The envelop says “TO BE OPENED BY ADDRESSEE ONLY” – maybe I should forward it to you over at Georgetown.
It is the weekend. I will take in a film. Either an iMax movie at the Smithsonian. Or more likely Dior and I. I can not imagine that it will be around very long. iMax movies are always in town. On the other hand Dior and I will look fine on the iPad. And iMax movie – well…