Did some downsizing today. I knocked off one of my kitchen cabinets. I usually replace my spices every year. Haven’t done that this year. Replacing spices really didn’t seem very important. So, I pitched all the spices scheduled for replacement. Don’t imagine I’ll be doing much cooking in the studio. Also, in the kitchen – I bagged up all of my “plastics”. You know, those semi-reusable food storage boxes. I’ll either give them to someone or pop them in the recycle box. Who would want more semi-reusable food storage boxes? We all have too many of them. Will move them to the recycle box.
Carlton’s 15 pound dictionary and cobbler’s last are headed to new homes. My matched set of point and shoot cameras are also relocated. And, I had a nice visit with one of Carlton’s friends.
Pool opens here in 10 days.
Thank you for the nice visit today Peg. I enjoyed getting to know you a little better and sharing some funny stories. I will grin every time I see that picture of C.
I’ll take great care of dictionary and with a good magnifying glass I’m sure to learn some $1 words! The Joel G. book is very special for me.. thank you.
Looking forward to our next cup of joe.