Macro Lens and dinner at the asylum

little unknown stinging bug
little unknown stinging bug

Since the weather was grand this afternoon, with no rain in sight. And since I needed to make a deposit at Goodwill. And since I am paying for my dinner at the asylum anyhow – I decided to go to the asylum for dinner after dropping off some stuff at the Goodwill.

I have been to sunday lunch. And to sunday breakfast. But never dinner. It was a whole lot like middle school cafeteria on your first day as a new student. I had a near dust up with the person doling out tables in the “formal dining room” and I annoyed the person in charge of the informal bistro. On the other hand, I got along fine with the bartender. I had fish (mahi mahi) not my favorite fish – but it was nicely done. The veggies were not hot. And this being an Episcopalian establishment – the wine was free flowing and apparently lagniappe. But the desserts were fiercely guarded.  I’ll do better next time. Gotta learn the drill – that is all.  I’ll have to be careful – it would be easy to pork up.

Been thinking about what kitchen stuff to take. I really don’t see me doing much cooking. So, whilst waiting for the bus back home I came up with a little list:

1. Coffee Pot

2. Coffee Mug

3. Beer opener

4. Cork screw

5. Wine glass

6. Cutting board

7. Good knife

8. Soup bowl and spoon.

I honestly think I could get along fine with just those 9 things. Maybe I’ll come up with a “Only 25 things” policy for the kitchen.

Well, after the Guinness (did I mention the bar has a sweet little beer collection) and the lagniappe wine – think it is my bed time.

One Reply to “Macro Lens and dinner at the asylum”

  1. Interesting, on my camera less walk yesterday I saw a blue wasp, which looked similar to your photo.
    I know you are trying to keep a slender list of stuff to take with you, but I have one item in my kitchen that would always be on my short list; it is a Nu wave,Pro Plus, Infra Red oven,it is round(16″ dia)might be a good add on if you have the counter space. You can do any of the meals on it or snacks of your choice. Little or no clean up. Use foil and not much dish washing either. Just a thought. I have used one for over 10 years. It is a time and labor saver. Enjoy, if interested will get you there or Bob Zee

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