A couple of times a month, my walking takes me by this house. I love it that some cares so much for an old house – and they make it look so good.
It is almost 1900 hours. And I have done zero, zip, nada, nothing to facilitate my move. I might spring into action after dinner (Chicken, squash, lettuce and tomato salad and beer). But I am not counting on it.
Well, I have been thinking about the old bat cave kitchen. I just can not see me doing much cooking. I can see me doing some “assembly” of occasional lunches and dinners. Tonight’s dinner was assembled from things that were in the fridge. Think that tomorrow I’ll remove every thing from the kitchen. And bring things that I use back in. And what is in the kitchen come move day goes. That might be too radical. Yep, too radical. And, not necessary. I know what I will use. I just have to accept that my kitchen goddess/earth mother days are long gone. If I am honest, those days were gone over 10 years ago. Carlton’s last two years were the “enjoy every sandwich days” not the “enjoy every gourmet meal days”. And a good sandwich makes a damn good meal.
So, I will remove everything from the kitchen that I wouldn’t pack if I were packing my kitchen up next week.