2day the kitchen 

If i need the ladder to reach it, I sure don’t need to move it. 

By the time I was finished with the kitchen, I was totally not into fixing dinner. So, I hopped on the bus to the asylum. I did better this time. I did not get scolded by the cafeteria ladies this time. I found the silverware. And there was still unlimited free wine. And, I might add, everyone seems to have several generous glasses. It’s not like the have to drive any where. I had an exquisite seafood dish in a fine mornay sauce. And the usual cold veggies. And fair lemon pie. The seafood main course made it worth the trip. 

At least ¼ of the residents seem to be interesting folks. You just have to look past the canes, walkers, hearing aides and memory lapses. There is a great deal of tolerance shown by the residents to each other. Nobody is promised tomorrow. 

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