Things you shouldn’t shoot with your macro lens…

walking towards clarendon - my preferred shopping area. I can still get to it by bus from the asylum.
walking towards clarendon – my preferred shopping area. I can still get to it by bus from the asylum.
bikes parked at my metro stop. love the green wheels.
bikes parked at my metro stop. love the green wheels. well, tires, actually.
the fence was open at the substation. very frankenstein.
the fence was open at the substation. very frankenstein.

The only blemish on this lovely summer afternoon – the Pie Life ladies were not at the afternoon market in Clarendon.

Taking it one chunk at a time: The move that is… I am keeping two things in mind. Just chip away at the project little by little. And after I die – my lawyer will just haul everything to the dump. SO, they I took a load of junk to the trash room. And that covered both of my objectives.

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