This image is right out of the camera.
Sort of getting back on track move-wise. I have packed up 12 boxes. And, people are coming next week to help me figure out how to get rid of stuff. Stuff like The Ark of the Covenant – AKA – Carlton’s desk. And my old desk. And the spare bed. Plus some of my living room chairs. And the vintage desk chairs. And old tube TVs. And this. And that. And the other. And kitchen stuff and tools. And lamps.
Note to Carlton: Honest Carlton. No one wants your desk. Goodwill might get $100 for it. I know you loved it. You took better care of it than you did me. But but no one wants big brown furniture anymore. And, there really isn’t room for it in the old bat cave. Sooner or later it is going to go – so, it might as well be sooner. I already pitched the wax that you so lovingly applied on a regular basis. You didn’t ask me to take care of it. Thank you for that.
Anyone want The Ark – Come and get it. I see them on eBay for $500 – $2000 from time to time. But, I feel sure that is wishful thinking on the part of the owners of said big brown furniture…