They couldn’t just go in the dumpster. I really wasn’t going to keep them. Keep them so Betsey – my lawyer – can put them in the dumpster after I am over at Georgetown Medical School being a cadaver. They have to go to Goodwill.
I decide to take them by “Carlton’s Tennis Courts”. At noon today – no one was playing.

I figured that I had to walk them down to the Goodwill. I’d needed a little more time. It is a little over a mile. But, it was noon. And hot. So, by the time I got there – I was happy to hand the rackets over.
Note to Carlton: I gave your Kindle away. (My old one too – time for an upgrade). I thought you would be amused to know that I sent them to a guy in San Francisco. Who uses them for a school reading program.
Carlton’s AA friends will know that SF was sort of special to him.
Then, I bussed down to the asylum. Had a late lunch. Very leisurely at 2:30. Very good too. Salad with feta cheese and grilled salmon. Carlton – you would like the food. They have ice cream, yogurts, fruit, coffee and all manner of beverages available all day. The “Bistro” serves from 7AM to 8PM. There is the lagniappe wine 3 days a week. Happy Hour on Friday – with nice pupu’s. (And 1/2 price Guiness) They do fish good. Veggies not too good. Desserts are OK. Oh, and the soups are pretty good too.
That’s so sweet. I could feel the love in your hug.
Hugging a bunch of tennis rackets turned out to be a lot like hugging Carlton!