If you can get past the stinging parts (and I have been stung too many times to do that easily) – our yellow jackets are very interesting insects. They take good care of their young, eat other insects, and have been known to get falling down drunk after consuming too many sweets – especially melons. And, they sting like crazy. Unlike bees – these guys live to tell about it.
The asylum doesn’t seem to have many good insect hunting venues. But, I’ll scout around after I get moved in.
Moving progress: packed up a box today. I have packed up 16 boxes. Now, I really need to ask myself – if I can do without 16 boxes of stuff for 6 weeks – can’t I do without them for the rest of my life? There is a box of wine glasses. A box of vases. A box of knick knacks. Lots of boxes of photo books and albums. I think I “need” this stuff.