Little Boy – Dropped August 6, 1944.
I have a move date – September 24. Move “Senior Move Consultant” told me that she would take care of every little thing that I couldn’t or wouldn’t take care of.
I am still going to do all the packing. That helps me get rid of stuff. They are going to get and coordinate the movers. And, take everything that is left to donation or the dump. I will get as much to the Goodwill as possible. Or maybe I’ll just pack the little stuff in moving boxes and let them take the boxes to Goodwill.
It was nice and cool today. So, I went to the asylum for a fine lunch of salad and grilled salmon. I confirmed the move in date with the asylum. I tried to look in on my apartment. There were men working inside my apartment. But they seemed to be arguing – I didn’t think they would be very happy if I knocked on the door. So, I’ll just wait. We all know how well I wait.
Gee, time to be sure I have enough beer and popcorn on hand for tonight’s Republican Follies. OH, I packed up 3 boxes today.