Well, Carlton – I packed up your radiation mask. (it was so obvious that you hung it up – the screws were all line up. in your honor – I’ll line up the screws in the old bat cave.) The mask is going to the old bat cave. I might hang it up in the main room. Or maybe – I’ll put it in my closet and hang scarves on it. I will not put it in the bathroom.
The move is going to happen in 7 weeks. The loading docks in both buildings have been reserved. The old bat cave is supposed to be ready. The movers and “trashers” are scheduled.
And, I am having second thoughts about maybe I am taking too much. Or maybe the unit is too small. The bathroom is suitable for anorexic midgets. These second thoughts are not serious. Just me being me.
Movewise today I took a small load to Goodwill and then went to the asylum for dinner. Had mahi mahi – not my favorite fish – but it came with a good salsa. Perfectly fine. And, since their veggies are not very good – I passed on the veggies but made a stop at the salad bar. Finished it off with bread pudding and espresso. And Carlton, if the server likes you – you can get huge bowls of ice cream or double desserts. I don’t need huge ice cream of supersized desserts. You would have been very happy with the asylum food. Lots of ways that you could have gamed the system to maximize your food. With your hummingbird metabolism – you could do it. With my sloth metabolism – I am happy they do portion control.
Anorexic midgets….good one. At your soon to be new digs, are you allowed to “take out” from the dining room and eat in your apartment?
Yes, you can do take out. In fact they have delivery. They charge something like $3 for delivery. No tipping allowed.