Nice leisurely day. I tried a new origami model. Let us just say – the barista got a very crumpled tip!
My printer which had been working since I beat the crap out of it – stopped working again. I stomped over to Staples. I was going to replace that Carly Fiorina POS. Staples did not have what I wanted in stock. I stomped back home and beat the crap out of the printer again. It is working again.
For me – especially in the new old bat cave – size matters when it comes to printers. The printer has to be no deeper than 10 inches. There are very few printers that are that small – for no apparent reason. Which sort of sticks me with getting one of those little “portable” printers. I don’t know if the asylum has a printer that is always working for the inmates to use. We used to have a printer in our Business Center here. But no more. Printers seem to be right up there with cable companies as “the technology we all love to hate”. About twice a month I want to print a little something. But, when I want to print something I REALLY WANT TO PRINT SOMETHING. I used the printer a lot when Carlton was alive. I printed his emails, bank statements, stuff he was interested in etc.