Milkweed Bug (Family Lygaedidae) – Milkweed bugs come in two flavors – Large (¾”) (LMB) and Small (½”) (SMB). I didn’t measure these guys. I am guess they are Small.
According to the University of Wisconsin: Unlike most insects, MBs are gregarious, and milkweed pods may be covered with adults and nymphs (the nymphs start out solid red-orange and add some black markings each time they molt. Older adults are darker red). One reference theorized that everybody benefits from communal feeding behavior. More feeding tubes = more saliva = more softening = more food. During large outbreaks, milkweed seed production suffers; the inner seeds are safe, but the whole pod seems dysfunctional. Most sources say that MBs have no economic importance, since they don’t attack crops, carry disease, or otherwise cross paths with humans, but people who raise milkweeds or collect seed are not fans.
And that is the result of today’s bug hunt. I am still trying to not be overtaken by a sinus infection. I haven’t had a bad sinus infection in a couple of years. For that I am grateful. It saps my energy. So, I am cutting myself a lot of slack. Went to work on the bus, and yoga, walked home, read some, went on a little bug hunt. No moving activities. Going have dinner here at home and I think I’ll do some origami. I miss having Mr C telling me to take it easy.