Surf’s Up

Body Boarders
Surf's up at Honl's

We had surf again today. Lots of surf for our surf deprived island. Where I thought that the surfers would be today was outside my walking limit. But, the body boarders were out in force about one mile down the road from our hotel. Well within my walking range.

Every now and again something comes along that is too good to be free. Readability is one of those things. It is a little javascript bookmarklet that converts what you are trying to read into something you actually can read. It works great with Safari and Firefox.

If you read stuff online  – check it out.

Readability is especially nice for those of us with “mature” eyes.

Dinner (which due to Carlton’s work schedule is at 3:15) was meatballs, broccoli, and rice. Sandwiches on tap for later this evening.

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