Our annual wacky Xmas Parade. It is sort of a Pagans vs Christians contest. But, it is all good fun. There were 78 entries. From marching Cub Scouts to decorated concrete mixers.
Nobody is Promised Tomorrow. . .
Our annual wacky Xmas Parade. It is sort of a Pagans vs Christians contest. But, it is all good fun. There were 78 entries. From marching Cub Scouts to decorated concrete mixers.
WOW!!! Have duly noted the leggy ladies in the Konaville Christmas/Pagen Parade. Whether yea b Christian or Pagen a fine pair of legs do come in handy. I recall one leggy president when asked; How long are your legs? His response, “Just long enough to touch the ground”. Have also noted the ladies legs are exactly that long as well.