
Hotel Tree
Hotel Tree

Upgraded to WP 2.9 – Don’t see any changes – but I haven’t looked for any either.

Had a magical experience last evening. I was asked over to the Palace to “take some pictures”. High school  kids were coming in the sing for Ke Ali’i Bernice Pauahi Bishop, founder of the Kamehameha Schools. Sure. Sounds like fun.

Well, it was a mind blowing experience. Or as we say in the island – give me chicken skin. Hawai’i is not like America. The kids who go to Kamehameha School consider singing as important as football and scholarship. The class “song leader” is as big a hero as is the captain of the football team. And, strange to say the acoustics of the Palace just worked. But, since some of the songs were written by people who lived in the Palace – maybe I should have been surprised. 40 kids and a couple of ukelele turned this cynical old woman to mush. I knew that kids from Kamehameha could sing – I had forgotten how good.

2 Replies to “upgraded”

  1. Have always believed the best part of the chicken was the crispy skin, although it is on the high end of forbidden health food. Perhaps the Hawaii Kona-ites know something mainlander health food gurus don’t. Zee

    1. Actually Bob, chicken skin is our local pidgin for goose bumps. As for local health food – my guess is any food that doesn’t eat you is good for you.

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