It’s Aloha Friday.

The Wine Committee Meeting
The Wine Committee Meeting

I took a meeting this afternoon. A wine committee meeting. That is enough wine to end me under the table. So, I was moderate and restained. I did not laugh when they talked about the “coconut vanilla undertones” and a “hint of green pepper”. Not to mention “pencil lead”. Not sure if “pencil lead” is a good taste or not. I am a total wine philistine. But, the cheese was good. After the meeting – I went to the bar and had a Guinness. To cleanse the palate.

BTW – if you decide to move to an old folks asylum – I recommend a not for profit one run by the Episcopalians. Maybe they will let us have individual “medical” marijuana plots. At dinner tonight, I heard that a couple of years ago the asylum had a party on the grounds and one of the neighboring buildings called the police because the party was too rowdy. Apparently the police showed up. And the fearless leader of the asylum thought it was a fabulous that the police came to break up this out-of-bounds old folks party.

Note to Carlton: Looks like the bison, Tatanka, is going to be our “national mammal”. There are a half million of them now.

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