I decided that I needed a picture frame. And, if it had an OK mat – all’s the better. So, I went off to the Goodwill in search of one this afternoon. Found one $2.99 that seemed to fill the bill. I notice that the program was signed. Figured it was someone in the company…
But, no – when I got it home and put on my glasses
It is signed by Hillary Rodham Clinton. And – a pretty hasty but nevertheless real – I think –
Bill Clinton signature. A quick internet search confirms that Bill and Hillary were in Vail Colorado on Aug 14, 1993 and they did attend a benefit by the Bolshoi with the Jerry and Betty Ford.
I think maybe I’ll not use this frame after all. Maybe I’ll hang it in my closet where it will not suffer any more light damage to the signatures. I suspect that something signed by both – especially assuming that Hillary wins in November – might be worth more than $2.99. And, in the frame – with the ticket – that sort of nails the provenance. It wasn’t signed by a machine.
Sort of cool, don’t you think?
ha ha, fantastic !
maybe the donald will win… if so, you will use the frame !
(I hope not)
Hate to tell you this, Laurent – but some of the polls indicate that the donald might beat Hillary. But, election day is 6 long months away.
And, no, I don’t think I’ll be using that frame. It is currently on display in a dark corner of the Old Bat Cave.(To protect the signatures from more light damage)