Cinco de Mayo

Mariachi Band Rubber Duckies

No, this is not for Cinco de Mayo. The Mariachi Rubber Ducks are always on display in the 6th floor of our building every day. I don’t know why. We don’t have rubber ducks on our floor. And what’s more – if you want your very own Mariachi Duckies – you can buy a flock of them from Amazon.Com – I wonder what other rubber ducks are available? Maybe, The Donald Rubber Ducks.

Who would have guessed that The Donald would be the Republican candidate for President? Was it only last June when we were all doing a happy dance because The Donald tossed this hair in the ring. We looked forward to a little summer of good theater until the serious candidates took center stage.

As bad as The Donald is. Ted Cruz is worse. He is a zealot. And zealots should be avoided. I remember being scared when Barry Goldwater said “I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” 

Cold and rainy here today. I bussed half way home – and Ubered the rest of the way. Went to the pool for a nice swim. I am not very fond of swimming laps. BORING. Very BORING. I topped it off with a visit to the steamroom. Steam Rooms always seem a little sinister. They don’t seem to be 100% sanitary. And, there is always the question – will the door open? And, who is lurking over in the corner that you can not see… Too many B-Movies in my formative years, I guess. Saunas aren’t as spooky.

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