Ok, I got this one done. It wasn’t bad. It was the basically the Mass of Christian Burial. There was a little speech by the dean of the medical school, the resident rabbi read the Kaddish, and one of the students had words of thanks. Then Father Sol took over and it was the regular memorial mass – except at the end – where the dead is commended to the angels, God, etc… was replaced by the students giving roses to the families.
About 100 students and maybe 200 friends and family were in attendance.
After it was over – we had a little lunch. Note to Carlton: They had brownies.
And then I went up to the chapel and picked up Carlton.
And then Carlton’s AA buddy – who was supposed to visit him on his last day – brought me home. So, I didn’t end up riding the buses with Carlton on my lap.
It is all good and all done. Except for getting home to Kona.
Another note to Carlton: Transit of Mercury occurred today. And I picked up a penny. It was rainy too – consider it a blessing.
Hugs xx