It’s the Weekend!

Asylum Rose
Asylum Rose

Lazy rainy day off from work yesterday. Then happy hour, dinner and a chick flick with the “Bar Belles”. One of our group has a major DVD collection. She says DVDs are cheaper than a therapist and get one through bad times. I think for me it is audiobooks.

The sun was actually out this morning. So, I was out too. Took a little walk to a “gourmet grocery”. Which – since I have no one to cook for and I live in a place that feeds me seem a little silly. But, I love grocery stores. Even if I couldn’t cook anything – I would still love grocery stores.

I did not come away empty handed.
I did not come away empty handed.
Turned the fresh stuff into lunch
Turned the fresh stuff into lunch.

And a pretty fine lunch it was. Healthier than the asylum fare too. It is fun to make food from the great ingredients. Especially when you are cooking because you want to. Not because you have people that require feeding.

Note to Carlton: Your old VA Tech classmate – Irv Peddrew received an honorary degree from VA Tech the other day. I know that will make you happy. His picture was in the Post. He was looking good.

3 Replies to “It’s the Weekend!”

    1. The chicken, orange and asparagus are gone. But, there is still plenty of that lovely mustard to enjoy!

  1. Hi Peg,
    I got to know Irv Peddrew as we were classmates and both were studying EE. He was a good, friendly guy. I am glad they gave him the honorary degree. He is most deserving.


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