Well, I spent the afternoon rounding up some perennial herbs. It took a walk and a bus ride. Then I Ubered back to the OBC. I can only carry so many plants. And, I didn’t want to squash or fatally injure any of these expensive little plants. I want a couple more herbs and plan to fill up the empty spots with basal and annual plants that are bee friendly. I planted fennel and butterfly weed for bees and butterflies today. But, bees need all the help they can get.
Speaking of bees –
Yes, Laurent – the Garden Boxes are one of the “recreational activities” here at the asylum. There are about 30 boxes and about 500 residents… So, gardening isn’t a real popular activity. Way more than 30 people show up at the bar for Happy Hour 🙂 And, I think your buried treasure theory is the best explanation about the vanishing herbs. I went on a search for them – didn’t find them. Herb has left the building.
Most of the garden boxers try to grow tomatoes. But, I have heard there are tomato rustlers. Not squirrels, deers, or turtles – but other residents. So, I’ll most likely pass on the tomatoes. Beets, carrots, or chard might be safe.
Lunch got missed today – what with all the garden shopping. Just got an email saying today’s special is: Pan Seared Corvina with Parmesan Potatoes, Asparagus Slaw and Black Rice. Sounds good.