
Sunrise from the Old Bat Cave
Sunrise this morning at the Old Bat Cave

I operated under the delusion that it was Friday until I got to work and the computer insisted that it was Thursday. But, it was fine and warm. And sunny. If I still lived in the old digs I would be anticipating the opening of the pool. I guess I could anticipate going to the indoor pool. But, it just isn’t the same.

Note to my overseas friends: I fear there is a chance that Donald Trump could win. I am afraid. Very afraid.

Now, today’s pictures.


Or maybe it is a dragon fly. It is very small. And very fast. And impossible for me to photograph.


2 Replies to “Thursday…”

  1. Lovely photo’s , and re the Trump thing , I am afraid for you all , very scary 🙁 surely common sense will prevail
    We are having a national election here in July and the choice of runners is not that flash either but they are no DT xx

  2. Peg: Barb and I agree with you about Trump. We think he would be very dangerous for our country. He is not qualified in any way to be President. His statements are irrational, and he is uncouth. Sad state of affairs. Let’s hope that Hillary can expose him and win the election.

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