Yes, we have no jello. No jello yesterday or today. Maybe the chef de jello gets the weekends off.
Had a nice 47 internet free hours. I sort of “cheated”. I went to work this morning. But, I decided that since I do what I do for me – if I want to go in on Sunday – that is OK. Took Uber to the hospital. And walked home. There are 3 hills between the hospital and home.
Did some thinking during my downtime. I have been trying too hard to be a part of the asylum community. I am not a “community type” person. I am not going to stop being a member of the community. But, I am going to stop trying to immerse myself in the community. If I wouldn’t do a thing if I didn’t live here – why should I do it because I live here?
This does not mean that I don’t treasure my new friendships. I will continue to do things with asylum people. But, it does mean that I don’t have to go to the asylum exercise classes, or to the movies, or go on trips on the asylum bus. Maybe later. BUT NOT NOW.
And, it I want to eat my own cooking in my own apartment – I can do that too.