Did a bunch of deleting today. I really have learned to enjoy Lightroom and will buy a copy when LR 3.0 is released. But, if LR 3.0 will not read the LR 3.0 Beta catalog – I’ll be hating life.
Getting the images from the first decade of the 21st century done is New Years Resolution #1.
Resolution #2 is to change my “important” password. I have used the same “important” password for too long. I am happy with Keypass – so that shouldn’t be too hard. I just have to come up with a new “important” password. Rememberable but not too hackable.
I have an idea about “body scanners” for airlines. First, if “they” want to scan me – have at it, boys. Heck, they could strip search me. But, PLEASE, don’t make me stay in my seat with my hands on the arm rests – without my iPod, book, snacks, and blanket. Anyone who doesn’t want to be scanned could be handcuffed.